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The Art of Watercolour magazine 51st issue Digital Edition

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The Art of Watercolour magazine 51st issue Digital Edition
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Stephanie Goldman: Janine Gallizia interviews the current president of the NWS, who shares her views and experience of competitions, volunteering and the future of watercolour…
Naznin Lalani: Her unique style characterised by bright colours and splashes of paint gives rise to works imbued with emotion and nostalgia.
Susan Stuller: With a passion for watercolour and a willingness to take on artistic challenges, she transforms ordinary subjects into extraordinary paintings.
Fernand Thienpondt: An exceptional night time walk with a Belgian master watercolourist through Bruges, the capital of West Flanders and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Richard Thorn: The English artist finds an infinite source of subjects in the ocean, which occupies a key position in his creations that are painted with his feelings rather than with an academic approach
Tim Olivera: Immerse yourself in the world of this Texan artist, in which nature and human existence are subtly intertwined.
Riad: Using subtle brushstrokes and a discreet palette of colours, this young Canadian watercolourist casts his eye over our society
Vladimir Shapovalov: Attracted by the ease that watercolour offers outdoors, he has found his passion in the play of light, which he particularly appreciates in urban scenes.
Irena Roman: Drawn to portraits and still lifes, she uses the fluidity of watercolour to create captivating works that strike a balance between realism and artistic expression.

Special New Readers’ Competition:

The results of our “Industry” themed contest.
Competition winners: lexa Dillon, Annie Strack and Erin Cassetto.

Portfolio: Ken Goldman

The author of sixteen instructional books, a prolific artist and a former president of the NWS talks about some of the subjects and ideas that are important to him.

Revelation: Chihiro Pierce. An artist genuinely moved and captivated by the sight of flowers, she particularly enjoys depicting roses and their multiple layers of petals.

History: Paul Cézanne was passionate about drawing, sometimes embellished with watercolour. These drawings reveal the intimacy of a complex artist totally devoted to his vocation, who continues to influence artists today.
What’s on: Watercolour events from all over the world.
Call for entries
In our next issue

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Référence14389-AOW 51T
Nombre de pages100
ÉditeurDiverti Editions
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