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The Art of Watercolour magazine 50th issue Digital Edition

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The Art of Watercolour magazine 50th issue Digital Edition
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Liron Yanconsky: Janine Gallizia talks with the Israeli artist and YouTube phenomenon about style, inspiration and creativity.
Janine gallizia: How to stimulate commission work and get your art noticed.
Daniela Werneck: Her portraits, in which attention is paid to every nuance and expression, express love for her fellow humans. Flawless technique meets unparalleled sensitivity.
Jian Wu: This California-based Chinese-born artist paints portraits that combine elements of East and West in a graceful play of light.

Portfolio: Vasyl Kohutycha: This Young Ukrainian artist has developed a passion for the architecture of major European cities, which he depicts in stunning bird’s-eye views.
Björn Bernström: The landscapes of this Swedish artist fascinate with their strong contrasts and creative approach.
Catherine O’neill: The colours she uses evoke the hues of twilight, a moment when the boundaries between reality and imagination seem to blur.
Kyle Fortu-Legaspi: This young Filipino artist captures the essence of her subjects through vibrant colours and subtle textures.
Gale Webb: She finds inspiration in her imagination to create abstract works with occasional figurative overtones.
Valentina Verlato: This Italian watercolourist has a gift for capturing emotion in her portraits. Her works are full of sensitivity and delicacy, revealing the inner beauty of her subjects.
Gemma and Scott Macniven: After working as comic book artists, Australian couple Gemma and Scott Macniven decided to create their own watercolours, which they now sell on their website.

Special New Readers’ Competition: The results of our “Watercolour sketches done on location” themed contest.
Competition winners: Kris Parins, David Stickel and Wu Sih Shian.

What’s on: Watercolour events from all over the world.
Revelations: Ann Smiga Greene and Svetlin Sofroniev.
History: Albrecht Dürer, a Northern genius.
Call for entries.

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Plus d’information
Référence14059-AOW 50T
Nombre de pages100
ÉditeurDiverti Editions
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