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The Art of Watercolour magazine 49th issue Digital Edition

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The Art of Watercolour magazine 49th issue Digital Edition
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Portfolio: Myint Nainga. Particularly drawn to nature, the artist experiments with different techniques and tries new things to create these graceful landscape paintings.


  • Mary Whyte. Her latest series pays tribute to American veterans.
  • Ron Thurston: After a career in illustration, the American artist turned to watercolour. His daring compositions featuring his trademark bright blue sometimes border on abstraction.
  • Prasad Beaven: Paintings at the crossroads of East and West in which the artist combines ink and watercolour to achieve a kind of formal simplicity.
  • Louise de Masi: The Australian artist and nature lover is passionate about the fauna of her continent, in particular its birdlife, which she loves to render in delicate transparent washes.
  • Didier Georges: In parallel to working in his studio, he also paints travel diaries, especially in Morocco, a means of expression he appreciates for its spontaneity.
  • Jansen Chow: His colourful paintings are instantly recognisable. Not only is he an experienced artist, he is also an outstanding teacher who enjoys sharing his knowledge.
  • Sterling Edwards: After decades of figurative painting, the American artist decided to turn his back on figuration and embark on the road to abstraction.
  • Pam Mclaughlin: She has been painting watercolour portraits for many years, finding her favourite models amongst friends and family. She talks about the challenges of this particular genre.
  • Ray Balkwill: Representative of the English watercolour tradition, he likes combining pastel, gouache and watercolour to paint the effects of light on the beaches in an original way.
  • Michael Reardon: An expert in architectural views, he paints wet on wet, using blurred contours and effects of light to paint sensitive, skilful watercolours.
  • Revelations: Ivan Yanev and Alexandros Pintilii Karciucas.

Special New Readers’ Competition: The results of our “Wildlife” themed contest.
Competition winners: Wiebke Meier, Ruth Andrews-Vreeland and Jane Fritz.
History: Anders Zorn. The Swedish master painted both highly detailed, realistic depictions of people and places and more impressionistic works.
What’s on: Watercolour exhibitions around the world.
Call for entries: try your luck in the next international competitions.

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Plus d’information
Référence13874-AOW 49T
Nombre de pages100
ÉditeurDiverti Editions
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