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The Art of Watercolour n°3 Digital Edition

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The Art of Watercolour 3rd issue - Digital Edition
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IN THIS ISSUE: Meet artists from around the world as well as close to your home. We hope you will enjoy discovering them!
John Borrack: handling atmosphere and texture in watercolour.
David Paskett: working with tonal values.
Anders Zorn: one of Sweden’s greatest painters, with a museum.
Cheng-Khee Chee: wet-in-wet technique.
Chris krupinski: the objects that pose as her subjects tell their own story.
• Portfolio: Guan Weixing :, capturing life in portraits.
Jean-Claude Papeix inspired by the landscape and nature in the Limousin region in France.
Eva Tomkins: the splendeur of the past.
Ali Cavanaugh: figure painting on plaster fresques.
Paul Margocsy: his one and only subject, Australian birds.

Valériy Grachov, from Russia.
Jean-Louis Thibaut, from France.
Pedro Cano, from Spain.
Francine Camerlinckx, from Belgium.

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Référence6865-AOW 03T
Date de parution18 juil. 2012
ÉditeurDiverti Editions
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