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The Art of Watercolour 43rd issue - DIGITAL Edition

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The Art of Watercolour 43rd issue - DIGITAL Edition
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Special New Readers’ Competition : the results of our “Light & Shade”themed contest.
What’s on: Watercolour events from all over the world.
Artists from the past to the present: what can we learn from Eugène Isabey?

Porfolio: Nick Alm
Painted with breathtaking mastery, his portraits and scenes are intrinsically and universally human.

Revelations: Dominique Boni and Florence Portal
Lars Eje Larsson: The Swedish artist moves between different worlds, from abstraction to figuration.
Lizabeth Castellano-King: She thrives in rendering details, which bring life and strength to her watercolours.
Dolors Bolaños: Improvising on paper with water and pigments.
Christine Louzé: She has found in Yupo the ideal medium to give free rein to her creativity and passion for watercolour.
Claude Côté: This Quebec-based artist glorifies the Gaspé Peninsula in subtle watercolours that pay tribute to the beauty of its landscapes.
My last painting: Eudes Correia, “Paris Couple” explained.
Massimiliano Iocco: A great fan of the outdoors, he travels around his native Italy and Europe in search of subjects that will quench his thirst for painting.
Ev Hales: The Australian artist is drawn to the clamour of the city and has made urban scenes and city architecture her favourite subjects.
Igor Sava: Painting outdoors and from life, he glorifies the architecture and scenes he observes.
Svetlana Orinko: Having discovered a passion for flowers in her adopted country New Zealand, she now masters the combination of their unique colours and many abstract patterns.

Janine Gallizia offers advice to help you raise your painting level by identifying the habits that hold you back.
- How to improve your paintings fast – The dawn of a new era.
- Go back to the foundations: YOU!.
- Identify your goals.
- Identify your painting strengths and weaknesses.
- Questions to identify your painting habits
- Learn to analyse your own paintings

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Référence12462-AOW 43T
Nombre de pages100
ÉditeurDiverti Editions
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