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The Art of Watercolour 41st issue - DIGITAL Edition

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The Art of Watercolour 41st issue - DIGITAL Edition
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Special New Readers’ Competition: the results of our “Springtime” themed contest.

What’s on: Watercolour events from all over the world.
Readers’ competition winner: Alison Pinto.

Revelations: Mady Constanty and Bernard Quillacq.
John bayalis: This hyperrealist painter paints a wide variety of subjects, but always with the same attention to rendering light with precision.
Tatsiana Harbacheuskaya: A fan of floral subjects and gentle atmospheres, she favours juxtapositions of colours and soft edges that suggest shapes.
Maryse Louis: Her favourite subjects are animals, especially felines. She paints them in watercolour like the true enthusiast she is.
Brian Smith: Working with soft touches and superimposed washes, he creates locations characterised by strong light and shadows.

Portfolio Ken Call
His complex portraits and groups of figures take advantage of the transparency of watercolour and highlight the play of light and shadow. Abdelatif Bensalah: In painting Algeria, he reveals his love of his country. Light and warm colours evoke memories and tell the stories of its people.

Andy Evansen: He likes nothing better than to paint landscapes in the open air, capturing their unique atmosphere.
Shuang Li: How can an artist progress? Read about why she regularly enters contests and her approach to watercolour.
Ada Florek: Constantly searching for new subjects, she thinks everyday life is full of beauty for anyone willing to see it.
David Lobenberg: In his paintings, an explosion of colour coupled with the use of stencils guarantees maximum impact.
Marina Legovini: A ceramist by training, Maria Legovini finds the sheet of paper, a place where she can give her imagination free rein and express an abstract take on landscapes.

Wei Xin Lin: Using water and pigments instead of words, a subtle and truly poetic art.
Robert O’Brien: The two primordial elements of his watercolour practice are light and texture.
Julio Jorge: When unparalleled technique meets a unique vision, a simple portrait can at times verge on a masterpiece.
Jansen Chow: Travelling the world with his palette and brushes, he celebrates here the landscape of Venice.
Lynn D. Pratt: She likes to create details that give a three-dimensional aspect to her subjects.
Frank Liao XiaoPing: He loves painting flowers and the challenge of dealing with many different elements.

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Plus d’information
Référence11891-AOW 41T
Nombre de pages100
ÉditeurDiverti Editions
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