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The Art of Watercolour 21st issue Digital Edition

The 21st Digital Edition of The Art of Watercolour Magazine
Prix Spécial 5,60 € au lieu de Prix normal 8,00 € -30% -30%
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The Art of Watercolour 21st issue - Digital Edition
Prix Spécial 5,60 € au lieu de Prix normal 8,00 € -30% -30%
Description du produit

Contents: Meet the artists
Portfolio: Shenzhen Biennial. Our selection of paintings from this year’s biggest event in China.
Naomi Tydeman, nocturnal seascapes: in her seascapes, the artist takes advantage of the most famous trait of watercolour: unpredictability.
Dylan Scott Pierce, wildlife and portraits: he paints the breadth of beauty and diversity of the African continent.
Mike Kowalski, genre scenes and landscapes: this Australian artist depicts subjects as varied as boathouses and newsstands in lively brushstrokes.
Vera Dickerson, abstract: whether acrylics or watercolor, the idea always comes first.
Jean Vigué, landscapes and interior scenes: abandoned buildings, farmhouse interiors and pastoral scenes make up his monochromes.
Kim Johnson, animal painting: specializing in canine portraits, this American artist unveils her work habits and her passion for drawing.
Paty Becker, floral: this French artist loves to portray life’s vitality.
Dusan Djukaric, cityscapes: how to portray the mood and atmosphere of a city.
Lynn Powers, portraits: she enters a private conversation with her subject.
Claude Carretta, atmospheric landscapes: he is passionate about his repertoire of effects.
Watercolour Societies… What lies ahead in 2016.
Zoom on… The 3rd Aquarellades of Mons, Belgium.
International news: Watercolour events from all over the world.
Watercolour societies: Royal Scottish Watercolour Society.
Revelations. Discover our selection of noteworthy artists: Fabio Cembranelli, Sarah Yeoman, Jacky Augagneur
Reader’s competition
Fly on the wall
My latest painting: 8 artists previously featured in your magazine present their latest works.
My favourite painting: John Salminen’s Crossing Broadway.
Tribute: Nicholas Simmons and Paul Dmoch.

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