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T.O.M.E. your personal watercolour training by Janine Gallizia

« There is nothing like TOME out there! TOME is a life-long watercolour training with a professional watercolour artist and international judge. Janine will walk you through every step of the painting process from improving your technique, developing your own style, creating impact with your art to exhibiting and selling with success. Receive personal critiques of your work which identify your strengths and weaknesses and how to progress towards your goals. TOME is a training based around YOUR level, YOUR ideas and YOUR goals. There really is nothing like this out there! ».

TOME : T – Technique, O – Observation, M – Mind, E – Emotions.
(PLUS - The Business behind the Art - This is the Holy Grail of becoming an artist with a successful career is available only in this course)

You can pay in 4 instalments free of charge (only with Paypal), or in 1 instalment (by credit card): the choice of payment method can be made after checking out.

Prix Spécial 249,00 € au lieu de Prix normal 250,00 € -0% -0%
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T.O.M.E. your personal watercolour training by Janine Gallizia
Prix Spécial 249,00 € au lieu de Prix normal 250,00 € -0% -0%
Description du produit

At the onset of the training, you will receive a professional critique of your paintings which will allow you to work through the specific modules of TOME based on your weaknesses with target exercises that will allow you to improve your level quickly and effectively with the help of numerous videos in the TOME online archives.

TOME is SO MUCH MORE than just a painting course.

TOME deals with YOUR ideas, level and goals. Helping you develop your own style to express yourself through your art in an impactful way.

You will learn:
- How to identify & correct your painting weaknesses.
- How to FAST-TRACK your progress.
- What is holding you back, and how to change it.
- Effective methods to help you create & develop your own artistic style.
- How to create the “WOW” factor in your paintings.
- How to focus on the fundamentals to consistently paint great paintings.
- Why some artists progress and others don’t.
- How to develop your creativity and stand of from the crowd in exhibitions/competitions.
- People “love” your paintings, but aren’t buying? Learn why!

There is no other course like TOME.

You will receive the entire 14 modules training which includes videos, target exercises and documents to work through alone at your leisure, once you have received my personalized critique of your current paintings. As time moves along, I will send you new updated information and videos to help you to progress further and keep you inspired and motivated, offering you new ideas, exercises and projects along the way.

TOME is easy to follow as you work at your pace on your own or with friends. This course has everything for the beginner, the amateur or professional. You may even use this course to help you to set up your own course training.

TOME will help and guide you towards a watercolour future that is filled with progress and successful results.

TOME Technical information:
TOME is a 100% online watercolour training, with a lifetime access to the TOME online ARCHIVE. The link to connect the archive is found directly on the confirmation order at the time of purchase. The TOME document includes links to all the Youtube videos that are reserved only for TOME members, located directly on Youtube. Cut and copy the links to access the videos.

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Référence13705-TOME 1TEN
ÉditeurJanine Gallizia
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