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The Art of Pastel - 50 creative tips by Pastel Artists

Discover all the latest news about the art of pastel in this new magazine entirely dedicated to this technique! Inside, you will find exclusive features, portfolios of both emerging artists and experienced masters, as well as technical advice, tips and much more. Don't miss out!

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Over 100 pages of artist features, as well as hints and tips on pastel painting.

Artist in the spotlight: Sharon Coupland
Sharon Coupland has been passionate about art and animals ever since she was a child, and for her pastels are the perfect medium for her animal portraits. The soft velvet feel of pastel is the ideal way to transpose her love for both domestic and wild animals.

Christine Swann, the power of the portrait
This unusual American pastel artist’s modern portraits are infused with life and movement.

Alain Picard, the delicate pastel Innocence, honesty, mischief... A child’s personality is always filled with emotional. For Alain Picard, trying to transcribe those emotions is a most exceptional exercise.

Open air: 50 hints and tips from master pastel artists
Chris, Patrick Germond, Corry Kooy, Christine Debrosky and Peter Thomas present a host of handy hints for doing pastel works out in the open.

Nicole Guion-Stamatakis, the call of the open sea
“To look at the sea is to gaze on everything”, wrote Marguerite Duras. These are the perfect words to describe the series of marine landscapes of this pastel artist, who is deeply obsessed by ocean of the Basque coast where she lives.

Christine Atkins, chiaroscuro flower paintings
For her colourful still life work, this passionate artist has a certain preference for pottery, flowers and printed fabrics.

Suzanne Godbout, classical and jazz
This French Canadian music-lover’s heart is split between a classical approach to still life and a more “jazzy” interpretation of landscapes.

Portfolio: pastel masterpieces
Discover the works of some of the master pastel artists: Claude Carvin, Nathalie Picoulet, Nà Luther, Pierre Caro, Vicente Romero...

Special report: pastels and papers
Paper, pastels: what’s new? Which ones to choose? Françoise Guillaume guides you in your choices.

Hang Ming Shi, an Oriental breeze
Working in series with Rae Smith
A workshop with… Rubén Belloso
Richard Heitz in Belle-Île-en-Mer
Contemporary still life with Sarah Canfield

PRACTICAL GUIDE: special Pastel edition
- Catherine Hutter: A stone stairway leads down to the surface of the water, a chance to work on reflections and nuances.
- Lionel Asselineau: A technique that uses coloured veils applied like glazes in oil painting.
- Karen Margulis: Her tricks of the trade for getting an unbeatable sense of depth in your landscape.
- Brigitte Bouron: She renders flowers using dark Flemish style backgrounds and macro close-ups.
- Yael Maimon: She gives life to her fascination in cats through strong graphical lines.
- Marjorie Martin-Sisteron: She loves the strong contrasts of this secluded corner of the Camargue with its white sands and deep shadows.

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