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Get Well Fast - The Ultimate Health Reset of all disease - Written by Janine Gallizia

Did your ANYONE tell you that you CAN reverse cancer, Alzheimer’s, Heart Disease, arthritis, back pain, skin conditions in just a few months? They should have, it has been scientifically proven for decades.

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We are living in a time where our lack of knowledge about the CAUSE of disease and the SOLUTION to restore our health is literally destroying our lives, economy and freedoms. BUT you can change all that right NOW!! This is NOT a gimmick or something you’ve read before. I know that because I was considered “just fine”, although I was nearly dead and NO-ONE and I mean NO-ONE mentioned this solution to me in any book, doctor’s office or health seminar.
- Cancer is a protective survival mechanism in your body, protecting you from the true cause of disease. It CAN be reversed (scientifically proven).
- Alzheimer’s is NOT a neurological disease. It CAN be reversed (scientifically proven).
- Arthritis, diabetes II, heart disease, COPD and hair loss ALL have the same origin. They CAN be reversed.

The list goes on.

It took my own health, that of my mother and others around me to spiral out of control to learn what the true cause of disease is and why we have never been told.
Science KNOWS the answer, but allopathic medicine has ignored it for over 100 years, focalizing and profiting from symptom management pharmaceuticals.
You can reverse and prevent cancer, Alzheimer’s, kidney disease… thanks to 7 brilliant Nobel Prize laurates and 100s of doctors. Read what happened and how to Restore Your Health NOW!!! It is URGENT. I restored my health, you can too.

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Auteur ou artisteJanine Gallizia
Nombre de pages355
Format15.5 x 23 cm
ÉditeurJanine Gallizia
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