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PRINT Edition: The Art of Watercolour Magazine 1st Special Issue

Dive into the captivating world of watercolour with our new special Issue! This 148-page edition is packed with 9 chapters that will enhance your artistic skills. Join Janine Gallizia as she guides you in creating impactful works, while Thomas Schaller reveals how to capture the spirit of a place. Learn techniques from Carol Evans on the intricacies of painting water, and let Christopher St. Leger show you how to break the rules in your painting. Plus, discover insights from Atanas Matsoureff, Chris Krupinski, and Bill James. Don’t miss our 17-page technical section to master watercolour techniques and explore the floral poetry of Yuko Nagayama. Featuring 27 contemporary masters, this issue is perfect for enthusiasts of all levels. 

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30 contemporary masters of watercolour


Marc Folly, Angus McEwan, Atanas Matsoureff, Yuko Nagayama, Chinmaya Panda, Shirley Trevena, Liu Yi.


Atanas Matsoureff: This master of realist watercolour shows an interest in the depiction of textures and great respect for his models.
Bill James: The paintings of this ‘American Impressionist’ are infused with social comment.
Dylan Scott Pierce: This American artist paints the breadth of beauty and diversity of the African continent.
John Orlando Birt: The Australian is acclaimed for his skill in evoking the illusion of light and romantic atmospheres.
David Taylor: A master of simplicity, he paints the landscapes that he encounters around the world with free and bold strokes.
David Paskett: The former president of the British Royal Watercolour Society looks back over his fifty-year career.
Christopher St. Leger: He knows how to free himself from the rules and render urban scenes where freedom and life prevail.
Carol Evans: She loves the landscapes and coastline of British Columbia and shares her passion for the wilderness.
Thomas Schaller: Originally trained as an architect, he is fascinated by urban scenes which he renders using a wide variety of techniques.
Yuko Nagayama: She likes the stunning beauty of flowers and their vibrant energy. Her approach is both philosophical and spiritual.
Chris Krupinski: She laborates highly detailed and colourful still lifes, striking in their bold and complex composition.
Barbara Nechis: From a close observation of nature and its shapes, she arrives at watercolours that border on abstraction.
Denny Bond: He works on composition and detail in a figurative style with a choice of subject matter that is not predictable.
Linda Baker: Her subjects are the vernacular and prosaic, which nonetheless possess a strong emotional impact. My favourite painting:
Ross Paterson, representing water.
Rose Edin, an Indian evocation.


  • John Borrack: My method in 13 key points
  • Amanda Hyatt: Painting in the South of France
  • David Lobenberg: A cheerful portraiture
  • Zhou Tianya: A painting explained
  • Angus McEwan: ‘Revelation II’– step by step
  • Elena Bazanova: Still life with redcurrants
  • Janine Gallizia: Analysis of a painting
  • Keiko Yasuoka: Painting analysis

Eight chapters to master the art of compelling paintings: by Janine Gallizia

  • Drawing
  • The 4 main watercolour techniques
  • Big shapes
  • Small shapes
  • To combine shape and value to create a good composition
  • The practical use of colour
  • Choosing and mixing colour
  • 6 questions to identify your painting habits

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Plus d’information
Référence15550-AOW HS 01 2024
Date de parution12 sept. 2024
ÉditeurDiverti Editions
Nombre de pages100
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